March 12, 2025

The Dude Rides!

The Dude Rides!

McCall Idaho ATV/UTV Maps.

Idaho , McCall

Cascade Idaho ATV/UTV Trail Maps

Cascade Idaho ATV/UTV riding maps.

ADVENTURE , ATV , Cascade , Idaho , UTV

Boise Front Ride

Last summer me and the ATVDUDE crew headed up in the Boise foothills to do some riding and to try out our long term test Can-Am Commander 1000 XT. I will be adding some mods to this beast in the future and will make some videos of the upgrades. In this video we are also […]


China to Russia ATV Ride

I found an interesting video showing some Russians riding CFMOTO ATV’s from Hochen China to St-Petersburg Russia.

ADVENTURE , ATV's around the world , China , Russia

2014 Yamaha Raptor 700R SE

Check out this review of the 2014 Yamaha Raptor 700R SE from 4 Wheel Dirt.

ATV , California , Glamis

Trail Fest 2013

Dirt Trax goes to Trail Fest 2013 and rides the Hatfield McCoy trail system.

ADVENTURE , ATV , Hatfield McCoy , Rides

Kirkwood Ranch

Since Spring is now upon us, it’s time to forget about doing yard work! Lets get out and ride and explore someplace new. If you live in Idaho or some place close by, I recommend going to the Kirkwood Ranch located in Hells Canyon. The State of Idaho’s website Stay on Trails is an excellent […]


2014 Arctic Cat WildCat Trail

Take a look at the new 2014 Arctic Cat WildCat Trail and X Limited…..

Colorado , UTV

2013 Can Am Maverick X RS vs 2013 Polaris RZR XP 900 LE EPS

Check out this review of the 2013 Can-Am Maverick X RS and the 2013 Polaris Rzr XP 900 LE EPS (Don’t you just love Polaris’s tongue twister names for their products?) …. This review is full of dramatic music and hard core edits contrasted by two hosts who seemed to have had all of their […]

Idaho , St. Anthony Sand Dunes , UTV

2014 Polaris RZR XP1000

UTV Underground asked RJ Anderson to try out their modified 2014 Polaris RZR XP1000 on their test track outside Palm Springs California.


Epic Polaris RZR Crash

This is what happens when trying to get monster air in your Polaris RZR goes wrong.

ADVENTURE , Sand Mountain

British Columbia ATV Adventure

This video shows some of the riding around the Okanagan country and Lumby British Columbia. For more information check out Big Bear Tours.

ADVENTURE , ATV , ATV's around the world , Canada

2013 Kawasaki Brute Force 4X4i 750

MotorCycle USA reviews the 2013 Kawasaki 750 4X4i EPS ATV on the Hatfield-McCoy Trails.

ATV , Reviews , Rides

ATV Club of Chile

The ATVDUDE has been following the ATV Club of Chile for a while. This club is really active and their members take awesome photos and videos. This latest video captures their 5 day trip through the foothills of Linares Chile. Here is a link to the Photos for their trip on Facebook. Linares 2013 The […]

ADVENTURE , ATV , ATV's around the world , Chile , Mud

2013 Rally on the Rocks

The 2013 Rally on the Rocks is being held May 15-18 2013 in Moab Utah! Head on over to Rally on the Rocks to learn more about this ATV and SXS rally.

Moab , Utah

Turn Your Utility into a Touring ATV

This video takes a look at some accessories to turn your utility ATV into more of a touring setup for long rides.

ATV , Canada , New Products

Winter ATV Riding in Ontario Canada

Riding ATV’s in the Perry Sound area of Ontario Canada.


ATV Trails: Ontario’s Ganaraska Forest heads up to Toronto, Ontario Canada to check out the riding at the Ganaraska Forest. Head on over to to read more about this place to ride.


2013 POLARIS SCRAMBLER XP 850 takes a first look at the 2013 Polaris Scrambler XP 850 H.O. This is basically a sporty version the the Polaris Sportsman 850.

Montana , Reviews

Gold Bar Rim Trail, Moab UT

ATV Television takes a trip to the Gold Bar Rim Trail in Moab Utah.

ADVENTURE , Moab , Utah

2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat 4 Preview

Dirt Trax Television got to take a look at the all new 2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat 4.

New Products , Rides

Bruneau Canyon

Head on over to the ATVRYDE Forums to check out photos of the Bruneau Canyon of Southwest Idaho. According to information from, Bruneau Canyon is 1300 ft wide, 800 ft deep and 60 miles long.

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Ride

2013 Polaris Scrambler XP 850 ATV Review heads to the 2013 Polaris Product Launch to check out the new for 2013 Polaris Scrambler XP 850. For more information and the full review with pictures check out

Montana , Reviews

Cascade Idaho ATV Ride

Recently I headed up to Cascade, Idaho and had the opportunity to do some riding on West Mountain. In this video I am trying out a GoPro HD with different camera angles. Head on over to the ATVRYDE Forum for more pictures.

ADVENTURE , Cascade , Idaho , Ride

Priest Lake Idaho ATV Adventure

The ATVDUDE was able to take a break out from his schedule and head up to Priest Lake Idaho to get some ride time in. We stayed at the Nordman Idaho RV Park and had a great time. If you are into riding some fun trails through the woods, this is the place to go! […]


Yamaha Raptor Hydroplane Action

Check out this cool video of a guy that thinks his Yamaha Raptor is a Jetski………

ATV , Oregon

2012 ATV Jamboree, Wallace Idaho

The sponsors of this years ATV Jamboree in Wallace Idaho sent me their flyer for the 2012 Jamboree. This years jamboree looks like it will be a lot of fun. This part of Idaho has plenty good rides and scenery to check out. Click on the flyer for more information.

ATV , Idaho , Jamboree , Ride

ATV Review: 2012 Can Am Outlander 1000 XT

Field and Stream tackle riding the new 2012 Can-Am Outlander 1000 XT. They ride through rock, mud and dense forest in Pennsylvania’s coal region.

ADVENTURE , New Toys , Pennsylvania , Reviews , Rides


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