March 12, 2025

The Dude Rides!

The Dude Rides!

2016 Can-Am Commander 1000 XT-P

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the 2016 Can-Am Commander 1000 XT-P. I personally have a 1000 XT, and will agree this 1000 V-Twin is a beast.

Reviews , UTV

2012 Arctic Cat 450i Review

Dirt Trax takes a look at the 2012 Arctic Cat 450i.


2012 Yamaha Rhino 700 FI Review

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the 2012 Yamaha Rhino 700 FI. The Rhino has been around since 2003 and starting with a 660cc engine. The 2012 version is basically the same Rhino but with a slightly larger engine and fuel injection. For more information, check out


UTV Test Ride: 2012 Kawasaki Teryx4

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the 2012 Kawasaki Teryx4


The Emergence of 4-Seater Side-x-Sides

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the emergence of the 4 seat UTV and why they are needed.


Riding Yamaha’s 2012 YFZ450R In Glamis

Dirt Trax Television takes a trip down to Glamis and tries out the new 2012 Yamaha YFZ 450R.


2011 Can-Am Outlander 500 XT Test Ride

Dirt Trax Television reviews the 2011 Can-Am Outlander 500 XT.

New Toys

2011 Honda Rancher 420 AT Review

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the 2011 Honda Rancher 420 AT.

ATV , New Toys

2012 Kawasaki Brute Force 750i Review

Dirt Trax Television takes a look at the new 2012 Kawasaki Brute Force 750i.

New Toys

2011 Arctic Cat XC 450i

Dirt Trax Television reviews the 2011 Arctic Cat XC 450i. .

New Toys

2011 Polaris Product Introduction

Dirt Trax Television heads out to Montana to take a look at the new 2011 models from Polaris.

ATV , Montana , New Toys

Dirt Trax Televison Alaska Adventure

This is a good video from Dirt Trax Television about a ride in Alaska. As always, Dirt Trax has the highest quality video production standards. They produce the best ATV related videos, similar to the videos produced by BBC’s Top Gear.



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