January 22, 2025

The Dude Rides!

The Dude Rides!

Check out these Honda ATC and ATV commercials from the early 80’s, much simpler times. Back when you could inherit a Victorian farm house from your dad and not be inheritance taxed into the third world. When families could masquerade as a roving gang of ATC riders while terrorizing some old coots holed up in a shack in the woods; without being shot at. Good clean family fun!

The ATV industry has come a long way since then. ATC’s are not being produced anymore but still look like a lot of fun being ridden in snow, and non of the big manufacturers make an adult sized 200cc ATV.

No one had thought of a big bore 4×4 with auto-magic transmissions, just old school oil and air cooled manual shift action back in the day. One of the first machines I rode growing up was a Honda 250r and Honda 350x ATC so this video brings back some memories.



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