March 12, 2025

The Dude Rides!

The Dude Rides!

Cascade Idaho ATV/UTV Trail Maps

Cascade Idaho ATV/UTV riding maps.

ADVENTURE , ATV , Cascade , Idaho , UTV

Boise Front Ride

Last summer me and the ATVDUDE crew headed up in the Boise foothills to do some riding and to try out our long term test Can-Am Commander 1000 XT. I will be adding some mods to this beast in the future and will make some videos of the upgrades. In this video we are also […]


Bruneau Canyon

Head on over to the ATVRYDE Forums to check out photos of the Bruneau Canyon of Southwest Idaho. According to information from, Bruneau Canyon is 1300 ft wide, 800 ft deep and 60 miles long.

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Ride

Cascade Idaho ATV Ride

Recently I headed up to Cascade, Idaho and had the opportunity to do some riding on West Mountain. In this video I am trying out a GoPro HD with different camera angles. Head on over to the ATVRYDE Forum for more pictures.

ADVENTURE , Cascade , Idaho , Ride

Priest Lake Idaho ATV Adventure

The ATVDUDE was able to take a break out from his schedule and head up to Priest Lake Idaho to get some ride time in. We stayed at the Nordman Idaho RV Park and had a great time. If you are into riding some fun trails through the woods, this is the place to go! […]


2012 ATV Jamboree, Wallace Idaho

The sponsors of this years ATV Jamboree in Wallace Idaho sent me their flyer for the 2012 Jamboree. This years jamboree looks like it will be a lot of fun. This part of Idaho has plenty good rides and scenery to check out. Click on the flyer for more information.

ATV , Idaho , Jamboree , Ride

Placerville, Idaho Ride

The ATVDUDE finally got out for a ride. We decided to head up to Placerville and explore some of the trails around this part of Idaho. Check out the photos at the new ATVRYDE Forums Placerville Photos


2012 Rally In The Pines

The Rally In The Pines is being held this year from August 24th to the 26th in Island Park Idaho. Head on over to their website for more information and to register. Rally In The Pines 2012


Check out the Latest Rides!

Head over to the ATVDUDE Forum to check out the latest ride pics and info….


Warren and Burgdorf Idaho

We decided to head up to Warren and Burgdorf, Idaho for a ride. There was a lot of neat stuff to look at and places to explore. Click on the picture to check out the gallery of Idaho’s mining past.

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Warren

ATVNation National Ride 2009

This video shows the ATVNation National Ride from 2009. The video was filmed in and around Wallace Idaho.

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Ride

Silver City Idaho Gallery

Check out the Silver City photo gallery in the new ATVDUDE Forums!


Idaho ATV Rides

Here is a video that shows some rides around Murphy, Silver City and Cascade Idaho. These are also some of my favorite places to ride!

ADVENTURE , ATV , Idaho , Ride

Idaho City Ride

To kick off the Memorial Day weekend, we decided to head up to Idaho City and explore the Granite Creek and German Creek areas. The Idaho City area as a lot of places to ride and explore. Check out some more photos in the photo gallery

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Ride

Montana to Idaho ATV Ride

I was surfing YouTube and I came across this video of a ride from Thompson Falls Montana to Wallace Idaho. I need to add this to my list of places to ride.

ADVENTURE , Idaho , Montana

Silver City Idaho ATV Ride

Here is a good video of a ATV ride to Silver City, located in Southwest Idaho. I have made this trip several times and I recommend this ride to anyone. There are a lot of neat things to see.


Mackay Mines ATV Destination

Mackay Idaho has some interesting places to ride your ATV, thanks to all of the mining that has gone on in the area. This has resulted in a lot of roads and trails that are available for exploration. Head on over to to learn more about where to ride. They have some good photos […]


St. Anthony Sand Dunes

Here is a good point of view video of a ride at the St. Anthony Sand Dunes of eastern Idaho. Happy Days from Alec Surynt on Vimeo. A collaboration of shots in Idaho’s St. Anthony Sand Dunes. Taken over a three day span. Shot on GoPro HD Helmet Cam Music is Midnight In A Perfect […]


Ride the Lombard Trail

This video is from and shows the Lombard trail that will take you to the town of Bayhorse.

ADVENTURE , Bayhorse

Bayhorse Idaho OHV Trails

The state of Idaho has an excellent website for ATV information. Go to Here is a link to the Bayhorse mining town trails located near Challis, Idaho. Bayhorse OHV Trails In addition I found another website about what is going on in the Payette National Forest of Idaho where the USFS is trying to […]

ADVENTURE , Bayhorse , Cinnabar

Emmett/Weiser Video

This video was taken in the summer of 2005 at Little Gem in Emmett and the Weiser Sand Dunes/Steck Park area. Photos of this trip were previously posted here: Emmett/Weiser Pictures

ADVENTURE , Wesier Sand Dunes

Danskin Mountains ATV Ride Video

ADVENTURE , Danskins

Cinnabar Ghost Town Ride

Cinnabar and Stibnite ride in the Fall of 2009

ADVENTURE , Cinnabar , Rides

Goldfork Hotsprings




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