This video was taken in the summer of 2005 at Little Gem in Emmett and the Weiser Sand Dunes/Steck Park area. Photos of this trip were previously posted here: Emmett/Weiser Pictures
This video was taken in the summer of 2005 at Little Gem in Emmett and the Weiser Sand Dunes/Steck Park area. Photos of this trip were previously posted here: Emmett/Weiser Pictures
This video was shot back in 2004 and I just found the DVD! We all spent the weekend out at the Weiser sand dunes playing around with the new toys. Most of the machines in the video are KFX400’s, Z400’s, KFX700’s and a few Yamaha 450’s.
A few weeks ago we decided to take a fishing trip up to McCall and check out the Boulder Meadows Reservoir, this is a easy ATV ride from town. All you need to do is load your gear and go! We made sure to bring our new fishing waders. Boulder Meadows Reservoir Photos
Emmett Weiser 2005 Gallery
Back in 2004 a group of us went on about a 60 mile loop ride through the Danskin mountains of South West Idaho.
Last fall we decided to go camping at Rabbit Creek by Murphy, and then ride up to Silver City. Here are the pictures of that trip. Murphy Idaho Camping Photo Gallery
Cinnabar and Stibnite ride in the Fall of 2009
We decided to ride up to the Thorn creek lookout via Rabbit creek just north of Idaho City. Here are some pictures of our ride. Thorn Creek Lookout Photo Gallery